Yarraville paid parking: Maribyrnong council to vote again

LATEST: A controversial decision to introduce paid parking in Yarraville is heading back to a Maribyrnong council vote.

Yarraville ward councillor Michael Clarke is filing a rescission motion for the November 11 council meeting that could overturn its previous decision to roll out parking meters in Yarraville and expand their footprint into Footscray.

The vote will be an early trial by fire for Maribyrnong’s new mayor, expected to be current deputy mayor Nam Quach, after incumbent mayor Grant Miles told Star Weekly he won’t be contesting tonight’s mayoral vote.

Cr Clarke said he believed that Cr Miles erred by using his casting vote, against the status quo, to break a 3-3 deadlock at a special meeting last Tuesday.

“I’m puzzled why the mayor did not act in accordance with established convention and practice.”

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Cr Clarke said precedents existed for mayors voting one way only to vote the other way after a split vote.

Cr Miles said he had obtained legal advice that he had the right to use the casting vote as he wished.

Cr Catherine Cumming declared she had a conflict of interest as a property owner and would not vote.

Cr Miles has been under a vocal community attack over perceptions he has a conflict of interest as a Footscray business owner, a claim he has denied as “ridiculous” and discounted following legal advice.

Cr Miles suggested at last Tuesday’s meeting that councillors Clarke and Martin Zakharov may have created conflicts of interest by appearing at a public protest against paid parking.

A spokesman for the Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate said neither situation appeared to constitute a conflict of interest.

“The inspectorate has considered the circumstances and determined that in both cases there has not been a breach of the conflict of interest provisions of the Local Government Act.”

Yarraville traders and residents are tapping into widespread community opposition by raising money to fund a legal challenge should the rescission motion fail.

An online fundraising campaign has attracted more than $2500 in pledges towards a legal ‘war chest’ to fight the fees, with more money being collected at Yarraville stores.


Yarraville paid parking green light: Jeers as traders vow legal action

Yarraville paid parking to get nod, Seddon spared

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