Yarraville paid-parking: Ex-mayor asks Maribyrnong council to reconsider

A two-time mayor of Footscray has waded into debate over the contentious vote on paid parking in Yarraville, arguing Maribyrnong council risks alienating the community by forcing through the changes on the back of a split vote.

Fred Maddern, who served as a councillor for Footscray for 24 years, said former mayor Grant Miles broke with accepted convention when he used his casting vote to introduce paid parking after the vote was split at 3-3.

Mr Maddern, a past president of the Australian Local Government Association and Municipal Association of Victoria, said practice has always been to maintain the status quo unless a clear majority of councillors was in support of change.

Cr Miles said he had obtained legal advice indicating he was within his rights as mayor and chair of the meeting to use his casting vote to bring in paid parking.

Mr Maddern said while such a stance is not explicitly at odds with local government law, it is out of step with accepted meeting procedure.

“Unless there is a clear majority of councillors in support of change, if it is a tied vote, then the matter is unresolved,” he said.

A rescission motion raised by councillor Michael Clarke will be debated later this month, paving the way for the matter to return to a vote.

Mr Maddern said the volatility of the issue makes it crucial that councillors reconsider all the pros and cons afresh.

“It’s time for cooler heads to sit down and work this out. Let’s have an informed vote on this, regardless of people’s former positions.”


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