Where books find voice

Seddon book-lover Emily Sexton has landed a dream literary job, joining the Wheeler Centre as its new head of programming.

The centre is Australia’s first dedicated centre for books, writing and ideas – and the ideal home for Sexton’s ambitions to bring books to life for people.

The role means moving on from the Next Wave Festival, where Sexton was co-chief executive and creative producer for the past four years.

“I spent the first part of my career in festivals, but when I looked around the city at who was doing meaningful, ambitious, exciting things, the Wheeler Centre was right at the top,” she said. “I was incredibly impressed. They are only four years old but they are already engaged so thoroughly with Melbourne.”

Sexton said she remains committed to the Wheeler Centre being a place for everyone.

“About 80 per cent of events are free; a lot of it is very accessible to the community.”

Sexton is also celebrating her recent

award of a Sidney Myer Creative Fellowship, an $160,000 scholarship delivered over two years. “I’m interested in setting up a framework that supports writers to read. Reading is such an important part of writing,” she said.

Benjamin Millar