Footscray fire rescuers win national bravery awards

Three Footscray men have received national bravery awards for risking their lives to save their elderly neighbour two years ago.

Christopher Linh Nguyen and brothers Joshua and Matthew Eason-Jones received the commendations for brave conduct last Friday.

On May 21, 2012, the three locals fought through flames in their neighbour’s burning home and carried 105-year-old Emma Woods to safety.

The fire started on the stove in the home of Mrs Woods and her son John.

Mr Woods tried to douse the flames with a bucket of water but burning fat splashed out, badly burning his hands, neck and left side of his face. With serious burns, John managed to escape the fire while the three rescuers removed his mother from danger.

As Joshua recalls, the brothers were alerted to the fire by their barking dog and the smell of smoke filling up their lounge room.

“You don’t really think about it, you just do it,” Joshua said, “I wasn’t expecting an award. It makes you feel really good inside.”

Mr Nguyen, 40, said receiving an award made him feel proud to be Australian. He said that in an emergency, there wasn’t a moment to think anything through.

“I wasn’t expecting an award … it came as a surprise when I found out I was nominated,” he said.

“My family and I are good community people, so receiving the award was a big achievement and a proud moment for our community.”

Despite being among the 78 Australians recognised for their bravery by Governor- General Sir Peter Cosgrove, the men don’t consider themselves heroes.

“In that situation, anyone would do the same thing,” Joshua said.