Kids on write track

Budding editors from Footscray celebrated the launch of Early Harvest issue 3 on Saturday.

Ten young editors commissioned stories from local primary pupils and award-winning authors to create a magazine full of mystery-filled adventure tales and quizzes.

The editors, aged 9-12, are from diverse cultural backgrounds and attend different primary schools in the west.

They were brought together and mentored by experts from publishing and creative industries, including Sam Cooney of publishing company The Lifted Brow, in a series of after school workshops.

Greta, a 12-year-old pupil at Footscray Primary School, said the opportunity to contribute to a magazine had inspired her passion for writing.

“I would like to publish my own magazine when I’m older, so it’s great work experience and really exciting,” she said. “I have really enjoyed working with new people, and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me.”

Early Harvest is a collaborative project developed by young writers centre 100 Story Building, author and editor Davina Bell and creative program co-ordinator Emma Hewitt.

Ebru Halimoff