Yarraville Wembley Primary School hoop boys dunk gold

Yarraville’s Wembley Primary School grade 6 boys’ basketball team has been crowned state primary champion.

Yarraville won the title by defeating St John Vianney’s School by 20 points at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre on November 17.

The Yarraville players are trained and mentored by former Melbourne Tiger Warrick Giddey.

“It’s been great for them to develop along the way, seeing them having fun and continuing to improve,” Giddey said.

“They can get so much out of life through basketball achievements, so it’s fantastic that they won.”

Teacher Ainsley Gravett assists Giddey and organises hoop time for the boys during school to keep their skills honed.

“It’s a representation of our hard work and a great representation for sporting qualities,” he said of the tournament win. “The amount of work and dedication they put towards their basketball is great.”

He said winning the championship made all the training worthwhile.

Some of the team’s players train and play for the underage basketball team of the Melbourne Tigers.

Australian Olympic basketballer Rachel Jarry graduated from Wembley Primary School and was signed up to play with the Australian Institute of Sport when she was 17.

“The state championship meant a lot for the boys and for the school, and our history shows that we produce some talented players,” Giddey said.

Most of the young stars are hoping to move on to play for high school teams.