Hobsons Bay childcare row goes on as parents query costs

Parents are continuing to fight moves to outsource Altona North and Altona Meadows childcare centres after Hobsons Bay council this week released its revised childcare policy.

A report to the council says the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission (VCEC) estimates the cost of running the two council-managed centres is more than $1million a year, while a KPMG report estimates the cost at $500,000.

Concerned parent Keir Dernelley questioned how such a discrepancy could occur.

He said parents could not query the VCEC’s figures because its report would not be publicly released until February 27.

“The two centres cater to approximately 200 families across the municipality,” he said.

“Based on VCEC figures, the price increase would be approximately $5000 per family per year or $100 per week to cover the $1million overhead.

“The KPMG report estimates that the forced redundancy of 50 council staff will cost ratepayers in the area of $1million.”

Nearly 2700 people have signed a petition to keep the centres open.

Parents fear outsourcing would erode the quality and increase the cost of childcare.

Lead petitioner Rachel Hart said parents continued to object to the council’s revised childcare policy.

“While the policy is an improvement on the first draft, disappointingly, they did not reinstate the commitment to the direct provision of services at Altona North and Altona Meadows childcare centres,” she

The Australian Services Union is concerned that staff would have to reapply for their jobs and, if successful, workers would retain their pay levels only until the current enterprise agreement runs out in 2016.