Footscray Advertiser

March 12, 1975

A Williamstown councillor said he couldn’t see anything wrong in people swimming in the “raw”.

But council doesn’t look like setting aside one of its beaches for nude bathing.

Earlier, council received a request from the Quality of Life Association urging it to open one of the beaches for nude swimmers.

Williamstown Advertiser

March 12, 1975

A dapper little Altona pizza man, vigorously conducting his own defence, failed in the Williamstown Court last Thursday to beat a charge of assaulting a youth in Pier Street.

Giacomo Ranieri, 37, swore that the youth, Glen Stringer, 17, of Purnell Street, Altona, first assaulted him, abused him – “bloody wog” – and had previously caused trouble in and outside his pizza shop.

Ranieri was fined $100 for assault and ordered to pay $10 costs.

Altona Star

March 12, 1975

A youth was fined $200 in Williamstown Court last Thursday for a bomb hoax telephone trick on North Altona High School.

A PMG Department investigator told the court the school had been troubled by a number of telephone hoaxes of this type and they had caused great concern to the principal, Mr Roy Roberts.

Mr G. Hoare, SM, said he had a duty to the community to deter others from making hoax calls as well as to punish the defendant.

Footscray Mail

March 13, 1985

Militant pensioners at Footscray’s Gordon Street high-rise flats have gone on a rent strike.

No security, no cash: That’s the message residents have sent to Housing Minister chiefs.

The Gordon Street tenants have refused to pay rent until they get an around-the-clock security guard service.