Footscray: Campaign to save Dancing Dog Cafe building

An ‘underdog’ community campaign is under way to save an iconic Footscray building.

The former United Friendly Societies (UFS) Dispensary, built in 1909 and currently home to the Dancing Dog Café, is scheduled to be sold at auction on April 18.

The property is expected to sell for at least $1.5 million.

But inner-west residents, fearful the building could be bought by developers and turned into apartments, are banding together in an attempt to raise enough funds to buy the building and retain it as a community hub.

Campaign organiser Katerina Gaita said the proposal had captured the imagination of a large number of people but an uphill battle remains in raising enough funds within the next three weeks.

The Seddon resident said there was enough excitement at a meeting held on Wednesday night to suggest the idea was more than a pipedream.

“A building is so much more than the aesthetics. This is a building that has captured people’s imagination – it’s quirky, it stands out on its own and people have a sense of ownership already.”

Ms Gaita said the loss of building to residential redevelopment would create a sense that people had lost something important from Footscray.

Property agents Biggin & Scott Yarraville are marketing the property as suitable for future development and “ideal for an investor looking to buy a property with not only massive potential capital growth, but also a secure income stream.”

A heritage study found the red brick building is externally well preserved and “among the most architecturally sophisticated Edwardian-era commercial building in the City of Maribyrnong”.

Ms Gaita said the building could be used to host a range of projects to help build and maintain a strong sense of community spirit in Footscray.

Ownership could be shared via a co-operative or incorporated association model and operate on a not-for-profit basis.

“I want people to think of this as a community campaign and they have got a say in it.”

The next step in the proposal will be a crowdfunding campaign, due to be launched next week.

While too soon to indicate exactly the use to which the building would be put, as that would be a matter for financial supporters to ultimately decide, options include allowing existing tenants the Dancing Dog Café to remain.

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