Williamstown landmark on The Strand threatened

Williamstown residents are opposing a proposal to remove the oldest house on The Strand.

Hobsons Bay council has received an application to partially demolish the circa-1858 house, known as Dachet, at 62 The Strand.

RBA Architects, acting for the owner, has applied to demolish all 20th century sections and deconstruct, salvage and store offsite the 19th century sections of the house.

Williamstown historian Brian Haynes said there was no guarantee the 19th century building would be reconstructed elsewhere.

He said it should remain onsite and be restored.

“Dachet is the oldest remaining structure on The Strand, dating from 1858 or earlier, when William Hall, a shipwright, constructed the two-storey section,” he said.

“This type of two-storey timber structure is now very rare, not only in Williamstown but in Melbourne,” Mr Haynes said.

“Many of the 1850s and 1860s structures along The Strand were constructed from bluestone and nearly all have gone as The Strand loses its identity.

“I would like it to remain on site and be given a new lease of life as an example of a bygone maritime era of Williamstown and the handiwork of a local shipwright.”

RBA Architects was contacted for comment.

Its permit to demolish application is out for public consultation and submissions.