Ready for the world

Confidence, creativity and perspicacity are key elements the young women at the Academy of Mary Immaculate are taught to embrace throughout their years of learning.

The academy is built upon select fundamentals that allow young women to transcend regular lessons and aim for inter-action with the wider community and a unique Melbourne experience.

Its visionary ideals allow students to explore an array of both academic and cultural aspects of contemporary society.

At the Academy of Mary Immaculate, students are offered study tours and immersion programs with sister schools in Italy and Japan.

Extra-curricular activities are integrated into core studies, with students encouraged to get involved in social justices, leadership forums, performing arts and sport.

Students are taught the importance of participation through house and inter-school athletics, swimming carnivals and various team sports.

Critical thinking, taking risks and problem solving are valuable skills students learn with a strong Catholic foundation and progressive attitudes to education that encourage values of respect, independence, social justice and spiritual identity.

Through the delivery of the daily core curriculum and specialised, committed and passionate teaching professionals, the academy hopes to send forth inquisitive, worldly young women.

Academy of Mary Immaculate, 88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne. Inquiries: 9412 7100 or