Focus on family violence

A barbecue featuring two former My Kitchen Rules contestants will be held in Altona to raise money to prevent violence against women.

Mother and son duo Josh and Rose Tejedor will lend a hand at the event organised by local estate agent Shawqi Ein, with support from the Altona Village Traders Association, Rotary Club of Altona, Altona SES and other community members.

All money raised will go towards supporting White Ribbon’s primary prevention initiatives in schools, workplaces and the community.

Family violence reports in Hobsons Bay have more than doubled in the past five years, from 503 in 2010 to 1034 last year.

Mr Ein said it was a cause close to his heart on a personal and general level.

“My mother passed away 18 years ago but I was always close to her and I hate when I see any violence towards women,” he said.

“Women are my sisters, my wife, my daughter – they are the most beautiful people in your life.

“When I see the violence in Hobsons Bay increase, it’s just sad.

“When I see Jill Meagher killed in Brunswick three years ago and that lovely teacher, Stephanie Scott, killed one week before her wedding, it makes you sick in the stomach.

“Women can’t walk in the street any more.

“I came to Australia and I thought I wouldn’t find it [violence against women] but I find it.

“It’s really a problem.”

The barbecue will be held from 11am-2pm on May 26 at 82 Pier Street, Altona.

Goya Dmytryshchak