Farewell to founder

By Goya Dmytryshchak

After 10 years helping to develop Altona’s Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre, manager Jill Bilston is retiring.

The centre’s first manager, Ms Bilston was employed through the Hobsons Bay Community Advancement Co-operative with a brief to establish a centre and gallery on the former Altona hospital site, saved for community use after a vigorous campaign.

“We began this centre with a beautifully designed empty shell – I was so very excited,” Ms Bilston said.

Many groups started here, including the Community Information Centre, Hobsons Bay Arts Society, the local Country Women’s Association and Altona U3A.

Some groups outgrew the centre, such as the Seabreeze Quilters which started with eight people and hit 120 at its peak.

“I think this is what you have to do – you don’t hold things that you start,” Ms Bilston said. “You support them, develop them, get them independent and knowing what they want to do, and then they move on with success. It’s a bit like a caterpillar-butterfly syndrome.”

The centre, which includes the Joel Gallery, hosted the first GLBTIQ [gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer] event at Hobsons Bay. Six years on, with support from Hobsons Bay council, almost 30 events are held as part of the city’s Midsumma Festival.

The centre has also had an international impact. Centre volunteer Tricia Salau started a project to help women in Uganda and, in 2012, Ms Bilston and fellow staffer Kim Reilly joined her in developing the Bwindi Sewing Project, empowering women to start their own businesses to support their families. This expanded into building a women’s refuge and hostel in Uganda, with people from the Altona community working hard to raise funds.

Ms Bilston said staff, volunteers and the board of management had worked hard to attract and develop a range of community groups and programs – everything from yoga to support services for families in crisis.

Ten years on, she said it was time to let go.

Her first move will be to travel to the United States to visit her son and his wife, who are expecting her family’s first grandchild.

Ms Reilly will step into the role of centre manager.

An afternoon tea for Ms Bilston will be held at the centre on May 29 from 1-4pm. RSVP to 93982511 or admin@louisjlcc.com.au.