Bulla Dairy Foods fills the Yarraville Foodbank

A western suburbs food manufacturer is digging deep to help families struggling to put food on the table this winter.

Bulla Dairy Foods, already a major supporter of Yarraville’s Foodbank, is upping the ante by donating $20,000 to the country’s largest food relief organisation.

Bulla last year donated 58,000 kilograms of dairy products to Foodbank, bringing to 613,000 the number of serves of dairy food it has donated over the past five years.

Foodbank has recorded a 42 per cent rise in people needing its services since last year and expects a spike in the need for help as winter deepens into the ‘heat or eat’ period.

The $20,000 donation will enable Foodbank to provide an extra 40,000 meals to families who might otherwise go without.

Foodbank Australia chief executive Jason Hincks said the charity relies on donations from Australian businesses, such as Bulla, to keep the Foodbank pantry open.

“In addition to their ongoing donations of food, this financial support, thanks to Bulla’s customers, will enable us to provide even more of the key staple foods that frontline charities so urgently need to help struggling families.”

Bulla Dairy Foods chief executive Allan Hood said the company was pleased to be able to give back to the community.

“It’s a pleasure to be able to give back to those in need with this donation and we’re committed to this ongoing partnership.”