Williamstown residents lose battle to save Nugget Polish building

Williamstown residents have lost their fight to save the Nugget Polish building in Kanowna Street from the developer’s wrecking ball.

Despite 58 submissions calling for the building to be put on the Victorian Heritage Register, Heritage Council Victoria determined it was not of cultural significance.

It said the building, circa 1887-88, was of local significance but did not meet all the criteria for state inclusion, including aesthetic characteristics and enduring attachment to the community.

Save Williamstown spokesman Godfrey Moase said he couldn’t under- stand how a former AFL oval could get heritage protection but not the Nugget building.

“Waverley Park can get heritage protection, but a 19th century piece of our industrial heritage apparently isn’t worthy,” he said.

The developer of the Port Phillip Woollen Mill site, Ashley Williams of Evolve Development, had offered to save the Nugget building if Hobsons Bay council backed down on imposing mandatory height limits.

Planning Minister Richard Wynne is expected to support a council request to approve a planning scheme amendment limiting building heights to 25 metres.