Baseball: Newport Rams’ Pharell Peni set for international selection

Quick learner Pharell Peni is on the verge of Australian representation after only his second season in baseball.

The talented catcher from the Newport Rams was selected in the under-12 national team to tour Japan for the International Baseball Championships in July.

“It’s going to be pretty cool,” the Truganina youngster told Star Weekly.

“It’s my first time representing Australia, so I’m pretty proud of myself for making the team.”

Peni started his sporting life as a rugby league player with Altona Roosters.

Baseball was not on the radar until his cousin, Nathan Holtz-Ewe, asked him to try out the sport in the summer two years ago.

He got his start at the Sunshine Eagles and has not looked back.

Peni says he enjoys the diverse skills needed to play baseball and the camaraderie he has formed with his teammates.

“I kept on playing it because I enjoy it; it’s just really fun,” he said.

Peni is looking forward to playing against the best players in the world in his age group.

The Thomas Carr College year 7 student says the host nation will offer plenty to see and do in his spare time.

He will live with a Japanese host family for two weeks.

“It’s going to be great experiencing another country and playing for my country as well,” he said.

“It’s got better baseball fields than here and it’s got some cool landmarks, so I can’t wait to go.”

Peni is likely to be Australia’s catcher on the tour. It’s a role that constantly keeps him involved in the game. But he can also hold the bat, having won the Rams best batter award this season, and fields in the infield, mainly at first base.

Peni learned the craft under coach Lynn Spence and has developed further this season under Todd Grego.

He also watches how the pros do it in the major leagues, emulating the skills of the players from his favourite team, the Boston Red Sox.

“Sometimes I practice while I’m watching them play,” Peni said.

“I watch the catcher, how he throws back to the pitcher and how he stands.”