Family violence: Newport schoolgirl says education key to change

A Newport schoolgirl is calling on the Royal Commission into Family Violence to ensure there is education about the issue in schools.

Hobsons Bay’s young citizen of the year, 17-year-old Hue Man Dang, said more than half of students are unaware of what family violence is, while a quarter of boys believe violence against women is justified.

“Apparently, only 54 per cent of students leave high school knowing what domestic violence is,” she said.

“I think education can help them understand what domestic violence is, how to get help and what to do when you’re in a relationship like that.

“How can we expect people to leave the relationship when they don’t understand it’s unhealthy?”

She said education in schools could help shape community attitudes to family violence.

“I was reading up online that one in four young men believe that violence against women is justified and it’s these attitudes that are toxic for our community,” Hue Man said.

Williamstown MP Wade Noonan, who encouraged Hue Man to make a submission after they met during National Youth Week, said the Royal Commission aims to find the most effective ways to prevent family violence, improve early intervention, support victims, make perpetrators accountable, and shape better attitudes towards women and children.

“It’s important that the voices of our community are heard,” Mr Noonan said.

Submissions can be made until May 29.