
Soccer brawl

Two Yarraville Glory players and three from Spring Hills Stallions will face the Football Federation Victoria tribunal tonight following an incident in an Under-15A soccer match in Caroline Springs on Sunday. A fight broke out between players before a spectator allegedly ran onto the oval and hit a Yarraville Glory player in the head. Up to 20 spectators then joined the brawl. Police are also investigating.

VCAT backs council

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has upheld Hobsons Bay council’s refusal to allow solar panels at the front of a home in a heritage precinct. A Newport home owner installed eight solar panels on his roof facing Home Road and sought retrospective approval. VCAT agreed with the council that the panels should be moved to another side of the roof.

Charity group wins $2000

Charity group West Welcome Wagon has won the $2000 first prize in the Bendigo Bank Seddon Community Bank Branch ‘Community Pitch’. Yarraville Turtles – Girl Guides picked up $1500 and Speakers Bank (Annecto) collected $1000. West Welcome Wagon will spend the money on draught-proofing the homes of refugees and asylum-seekers.