IN FOCUS: The first in aid when hearing fades

12/03/2019. Hobsons Bay Star Weekly. nfocusproudproducts. Issue Date 20/03. In Focus Editorial. Active Audiology. Pictured are Cris Ivanidis and Marina Opacak. Picture Shawn Smits.

By Carole Levy

Did you know that powerful and invisible hearing devices with premium technology are no longer hard to afford?

The latest hearing technology is available for a limited time at Active Audiology – at prices never seen before.

The devices, of European design and manufacture, can be had for just $1350 – they normally cost about $4000.

Active Audiology owner and audiologist Cris Ivanidis says these devices make it easier to understand speech and follow conversations in noisy environments.

“We’ve had a lot of success with these models and we are now offering a two-week trial of one of these excellent devices,” he says. “It can be returned with no obligation or customers can take advantage of the special discount.”

Marina Opacak, a highly skilled audiologist who works alongside Cris, says hearing loss can be a difficult condition to treat when many sufferers aren’t ready to take action or feel confused.

“Cris and I understand how hard it can be,” she says. “We’ve counselled hundreds of people through a range of emotions associated with accepting hearing loss and doing something about it.

“Finding the right hearing aid is only half the solution. The other half is finding the right professional who puts people at ease and is technically competent with fine-tuning the aid to meet a hearing profile. If this isn’t done correctly, the hearing aid can feel uncomfortable – or, even worse, be completely useless.”

Marina and Cris are experienced with all brands of hearing aid. And because there’s no commercial tie to a particular brand, customers can be guided from a wide selection to the right one for their needs and budget. Marina tells of a gentleman who came to them very upset about his previous experience with another provider.

“He needed to upgrade his hearing aids, but felt pressured to purchase something he couldn’t afford without any explanation about what he was being offered,” she says. “A week after his fitting, he wrote to us: ‘Marina made me relaxed throughout the process, in particular during the audio test. This was very important to me. It was an outstanding outcome’.”

Active Audiology, 10 Harrington Square, Altona. Opens 9am-5pm Monday-Friday. Inquiries: 9398 3331