My Place: Jovan Kralevski

Jovan Kralevski Photo: Joe Mastroianni

By Goya Dmytryshchak

Altona North’s Jovan Kralevski is a past Hobsons Bay Citizen of the Year for his volunteer work with the Macedonian community, particularly senior citizens. He speaks with Goya Dmytryshchak.


What’s your connection to Hobsons Bay?


I’ve lived here for 55 years. When I came to Australia in 1965, I never moved from this area. This was a new area. When I settled here, there was only my house and two on the corner. But I never changed, I like it in Altona.


What do you like about Altona North?


I like that it’s a quiet area, first of all. When I came, many factories were around here. I was working 17 years in a factory; I went with the car only three minutes to work. Shops are close, the milk bar was around the corner, then after that came K-mart.

The best one is the beach is close here. The people want the beach, the kids in summer time or every Saturday and Sunday. It’s a good area. It’s a good area. It’s a quiet area, no traffic. Good sleeping night-time, not like Millers Road.

The other thing is, all my family is living here. In the next street lives my brother. In Chambers Road lives the other brother.


What don’t you like?


For me, it’s very good.


Do you have a favourite restaurant or cafe?


I go to Altona, Pier Street, for coffee if I have some guests. I go to lunch in Williamstown or Altona. Different ones. I never go to only one place. I want the Italian food, the Greek food, the Lebanese food. I change always.


You were honoured for your work with the Macedonian community, particularly the elderly. Can you tell me a little bit about what you do?


Believe me, I never knew who nominated me. I’m the president of the Macedonian Senior Citizens Club of Hobsons Bay. Every Friday, I go to the community centre at Walker Close. Thirty or 40 people come. I’m the secretary of the Macedonian Federation Western Region.

I go everywhere … I sometimes go to the hospital to visit some sick people. That is my hobby. I want to give help to the people because I am becoming old and maybe somebody will help me.

Nominations are open for the 2019 Hobsons Bay Citizen of the Year Awards, recognising people for their outstanding contribution to the municipality.

Winners will be named at the Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony at Williamstown Town Hall on January 26. Nominees must be at least 18 and Australian citizens who live, work or study in Hobsons Bay. Nominations close at 5pm on Friday, December 7. Forms are available from the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre, local libraries or the council’s website at