Jennifer Pittorino
Lisa Stevens has lived in Newport for 20 years. She knew what she signed up for when she moved to an industrial area, but recent development plans have pushed her too far.
The proposed industrial development at Akuna Drive in Williamstown has not only bothered Ms Stevens, but left many locals fed up with the plans.
“I work as an occupational health and safety consultant so I am bringing my own concerns as both a local and one of OHS consultant,” she said.
“The major concerns will be having multiple warehouses backing onto residential housing.
Ms Stevens said the plans showcase that the area will be transformed into an industrial area.
“They are predicting 4400 vehicle movements including small-to-medium-sized trucks a day,” she said.
“The only access in and out of Akuna drive shows all traffic will be coming from Champion Road.
“This becomes a problem because the government has identified Champion Road as a crossing to be closed which adds to the problem.”
A Hobsons Bay council spokesperson said it refused the application for several reasons.
“The proposed development was inconsistent with the objectives and strategies of the Hobsons Bay planning scheme; it would have had an adverse impact on the safety and amenity of adjacent, more sensitive uses; and did not comply with car parking standards and did not provide safe and integrated transport network for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.
“It also did not protect neighbouring residential development from the impacts of flooding and stormwater management.”
Over 100 residents submitted objections to the development which council said impacted its decision.
“All submissions were taken into consideration as part of council’s assessment of the application.
“All planning applications are assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Hobsons Bay planning scheme.
“This application has also been through an extensive public notification process in accordance with the requirements of the act.”
The developer has lodged an application with Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) and an online hearing will take place in August.
The major case hearing will begin in November.