Councillor Column – Cr Jonathon Marsden

Mayor Jonathon Marsden promoting plastic-free July last year. (Joe Mastroianni) 242340_01

If you love the environment, like I do, there are several sustainability initiatives Council is rolling out to be more energy efficient, protect the environment and reduce landfill.

Council has partnered with Metro Community Power Hub to offer Hobsons Bay residents and small businesses free 30-minute energy consultations to reduce energy bills and environmental impact, anything from accessing rebates for solar, insulation and draughtproofing, window treatments or efficient electric heating and cooling, hot water systems and cooking appliances. For more information, visit

Council is also running full steam ahead with the large-scale solar panel roll out, to date a total of 1.224 MW of solar panels have been installed. The solar panel network will result in substantial savings from reduced energy costs, which is money that Council can put back into community services and programs. Importantly, it will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 4,000 tonnes per year. You can read all about the virtual power program at

As part of Recycling 2.0, the paper bag trial to recycle food waste is well underway. Putting food scraps in the green bin makes nutrient-rich compost and mulch instead of ending up in landfill where it produces harmful greenhouse gases. To help make separating food for composting easier, Council is providing a six-month supply of paper bags free of charge. It’s easy to sign up, simply register on our website and pick up the bags at any Hobsons Bay library or the Civic Centre in Altona. For more information, visit

Applications are now open for the 2022 Make it Happen Hobsons Bay Recovery and Reconnection grants. Community groups, non-profit organisations, clubs, producers, community centres and neighbourhood houses can apply for grants of up to $25,000 and equipment grants of up to $3,000. For more information and to apply, visit

Last of all, don’t forget to check out the new concept plans for the new Dennis Reserve multi-purpose facility and provide feedback at We’re also inviting community suggestions to name the new facility.