Teachers get the good oil on maths and science

Andrew Warrell, Rob Evans and Richard Buckingham. Picture: Damjan Janevski

Two western suburbs teachers have returned from Texas after receiving specialist training in how to get students interested in maths and science.

Rob Evans, principal of Bayside College’s Altona North campus, and Richard Buckingham, assistant principal at Newport Gardens Primary School, attended the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy in Houston for an intensive week-long professional development program.

The expenses-paid trip was funded by a grant from ExxonMobil Australia.

Mobil’s Altona refinery manager, Andrew Warrell, said it was the seventh year that his company had supported teachers from local schools.

“The teachers return from the academy with renewed confidence and passion to teach maths and science,“ he said.

Mr Evans said he was thrilled for his school to be involved.

“The training was a fantastic experience and I have brought back new resources and ideas to share with our teachers,” he said.

Mr Buckingham said his training would benefit his school’s teachers and students.

“The hands-on activities spark student curiosity and are a fun way for students to learn maths and science subjects,” he said.