Newport, Laverton class draws on naked ambitions

On Saturday afternoons, one can find a small group of artists at Newport Scout Hall practising an artform that’s barely there.

Nude drawing classes, featuring male and female models, are attracting a growing following as word gets out.

Body Works Life Drawing co-ordinator Leonie Kervin said the human form was always different, no matter how often drawn.

“It’s just always been a passion of mine,” she said. “There’s just so many variations on the same theme. You can do so much with the human body and it teaches you so much about drawing.”

The classes have proved so popular that they are now being offered at Laverton.

Kervin said people who harboured reservations should “give it a go”.

“I think people find it a bit intimidating, but we’re not,” she said. “We’re quite friendly and it’s all good fun.”

Classes are at Newport Scout Hall from 2-4pm on Saturdays and Laverton’s Woods Street Arts Space from 7-8pm on Thursdays.

For more details call 0410 261 403.