Thieves destroy soup vans
Four soup vans were damaged by thieves in Footscray following a street service the previous night.
Vinnies Soup Vans volunteers made the heartbreaking discovery when...
Roving angels delight
Internationally renowned street theatre company Born in a Taxi delighted passersby with their Illuminated Angels roving performance in Altona, Williamstown and Laverton last week.
Councillors react to explicit messages
Sexually explicit and threatening text messages sent to Maribyrnong’s two women councillors have prompted calls for a rethink on the public availability of councillors’...
Major cash splash for arts in the west
Melbourne’s west has received a huge boost to its creative sector, with Footscray Community Arts receiving an $8.7 million investment as outlined in the...
Footscray cycling path closed
The West Gate Tunnel project has released updates on Footscray Road walking and cycling path closure dates.
The section between Dock Link Road and Appleton...
Final designs for Footscray Town Hall upgrade released
The final designs for the upgrade to Footscray Town Hall have been released, with a more welcoming and inviting space a key detail.
The upgrade...